Assassin`s Creed RPG: Forging History: Campaign Book (EN)

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Three full storylines set in the Universe of Assassin's Creed:
The Sword of Mars: Templars and Assassins race across time to find a mythical sword from the realm of legends, from the dawn of the Roman Kingdom to the ruins of World War II, until the showdown in the modern day.
Champions of Eden: Encounter iconic monsters of the folklore brought into the Assassin's Creed Universe as your descendants put their own humanity on the line to protect the world from eternal darkness.
Lost in Time: Unravel a deep conspiracy during a rescue mission inside the Animus in an avant-garde Abstergo facility to stop a secret operation that could change the present day forever.

Hersteller: Cool Mini Or Not
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: CMNASSRP03
GTIN: 889696018090
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Assassin`s Creed RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele