3 Laws of Robotics (EN)

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"Faction Check: ERROR" This is your first thought as you boot up in a holding cell surrounded by Robots and Androids. You don't
remember much, but you know you need to get out. Give your part of the keycodes to your faction leader, and you'll be free - but from which faction are you? And why does the giant screen in front of you say, "You Cannot Tell The Truth to A.I.'s"?
3 Laws is fast-moving deduction game for 4 to 10 players where you know everyone's information (robotic faction and rank) except your own. Each round, you ask single question to try to figure out who is on your side, being sure to obey the new laws as they're added. Ask the right questions to find your team to escape victorious in 3 Laws of Robotics!
Hersteller: Floodgate Games
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: FGG3LAWS01
GTIN: 728028465266
Typ‍: Grundspiel
Sprache‍: Englisch
Dauer‍: bis 45 Minuten
Anzahl‍: 4 Spieler5 Spieler6 Spieler7 Spieler8+ Spieler
Alter‍: ab 12 Jahren
Art‍: Partyspiel
Warengruppe‍: Spiele