Pass the Pandas (EN)

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Be the first to get rid of all of your dice in Pass the Pandas by rolling pandas, bamboo, or water drops. A player who rolls pandas on her turn is able to pass those dice to other players. A roll of bamboo must be matched (or exceeded!) by the next player. A roll of water allows her to discard those dice. A blank roll does nothing to help her, and she must keep blank dice to roll again on her next turn.
The Fast & Fun Dice Game that's pure Panda-monium!
Be the first to get rid of all of your dice to win the game!
Roll pandas and you can pass those dice to the other players.
Roll water and it evaporates from the game.
You need to roll at least as much bamboo as the previous player, otherwise you have to take some of theirs.
Hersteller: Playroom Entertainment
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PLEPASSP01
GTIN: 803004184000
Dauer‍: bis 15 Minuten
Alter‍: ab 6 Jahren
Typ‍: Grundspiel
Anzahl‍: 2 Spieler3 Spieler4 Spieler5 Spieler
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Spiele