Shadows of Brimstone: Guardian of Targa XL Enemy Pack (EN)

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Für dieses Produkt gibt es folgenden Sicherheitshinweis: Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

The frozen over alien city of the Targa Plateau is home to many ancient terrors that have laid dormant for eons. Massive robotic Guardians are awakened when the city is in danger. These mechanical monstrosities pull free from their alcoves to hunt down and eliminate whatever threats are detected. Easily standing three or four times the height of a man, these Guardians are cold and calculating in the execution of their duties to defend the city against all intruders. Many explorers have found their way to the Targa Plateau… far fewer have ever returned!

This Enemy Pack contains everything you need to add the ancient and massive robotic Guardian of Targa to your games of Shadows of Brimstone, including the cards, Enemy Record Sheet, and Extra Large, multi-part model for the Guardian of Targa!

Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:

Flying Frog Productions, LLC
9805 ?? 116th St., Suite 7476
98034 Kirkland
Vereinigte Staaten

Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld

Hersteller: Flying Frog Productions
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: FFPSHOBR05
GTIN: 9781941816141
Anzahl‍: 1 Spieler2 Spieler3 Spieler4 Spieler
Altersempfehlung‍: ab 14 Jahren
Spielsystem‍: Shadows of Brimstone
Spieldauer‍: über 120 Minuten
Genre‍: Horror
Sprache‍: Englisch
Produktart‍: Erweiterung
Warengruppe‍: Spiele