Ars Magica RPG: Transforming Mythic Europe 5th Edition (EN)

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Transforming Mythic Europe at a Glance
Adventure in an alternate version of Mythic Europe with this Ars Magica sourcebook.
Contains three variations on Mythic Europe and their effects on the game.
Brings a fresh perspective to Ars Magica sagas.
Different Realities: More about Transforming Mythic Europe
The magi of the Hermetic Order possess massive power, a power that they hold behind basic tenets not to interfere with the world of the mundane. But what if they didn't? Explore alternate versions of Mythic Europe and bring a new twist to your sagas with this Ars Magica supplement.

Inside, you'll find mechanics and story ideas for three variations of Mythic Europe. What if the Hermetic Order created a hidden island where magi could live and practice openly? What if they started a technological revolution with magic at its center? What if they decided to throw off the cloak of secrecy and integrate into open society? Explore these ideas with this Ars Magica sourcebook.

Transforming Mythic Europe: Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Fourth Estate
Chapter 3: The Island of the Magicians
Chapter 4: Magic as Technology

Hersteller: Atlas Games
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: ATG00306
GTIN: 9781589781412
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Ars Magica RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele