Backpack & Dream RPG Collection (EN)

43,30 €

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Backpack & Dream is a rules light pamphlet RPG that focuses on exploration, building connections with people and resource management. We've brought it together with a number of additional resources published by various creators from the growing RPG LatAm scene.

As well as Backpack & Dream this print bundle includes:

Jetpack & Dream by TortheVic - take your adventures into space with extra options for Backpack & Dream
Spiral by Lucas Rolim - a campaign tool for running a game in the classic 'West Marches' style.
Devil Grinder by M.A. Guax - a 'rage-propelled inline punk' city setting.
The Signbearer by Raul Fontoura - a trio of scroll providing additional character options

Purchase includes 5 double sided pamphlets

Hersteller: Soulmuppet
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: RPGSOU001
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele