Book of Fiends 5E (EN)

45,90 €
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Devils, demons, and daemonsthese are the ultimate servants of evil. Learn all their foul secrets in the Book of the Fiends, the definitive Fifth Edition sourcebook on these fell creatures. This tome presents over 130 of horrific fiends hailing from Hell, the Abyss, and Gehenna, with Challenge Ratings ranging from 0 to 31. The original edition of the Book of Fiends was one of the most critically acclaimed books of the d20 era. Now Dungeons & Dragons designer Robert J. Schwalb has reimaged all the creatures, character options, and more for Fifth Edition. It builds on the information found in the core rulebooks, expanding and revealing all you could ever want to know about these evil planes and their inhabitants. The Book of Fiends provides profoundly wicked foes your players will never forget!

Hersteller: Green Ronin Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: GRR03604
GTIN: 1949160017
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele