Call of Cthulhu RPG - The Children of Fear A 1920s Campaign Across Asia (EN)

45,90 €
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Lieferzeit: 4 - 6 Werktage

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There have long been stories of two rival kingdoms, hidden from the world in ages past. Their names: Agartha, the City of Fear, and Shambhala, the City of Peace. Although their legends have become confused over time, there is one constant: that opening the gates of the hidden kingdoms shall herald the end of this epoch and usher in the new. And, whoever prevails wins the right to shape the new age in their image, for good or ill...

Hersteller: Chaosium
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: CHA23173H
GTIN: 9781568823874
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Call of Cthulhu RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele