Capharnaum RPG: The Tales of the Dragon Marked Core Book (EN)

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You bear the Dragon Mark. You are destined for great things, adventures where you'll write the history of the world. In a land of mysteries and magic, where East meets West on the burning sands of Jazirat, your future awaits. Discover a whole new world, confront djinn, gods and dragons, and take your place among the heroes of the age!
Capharnaum - The Tales of the Dragon-Marked is a fantasy roleplaying game set in a world of Arabian Nights, Argonauts, and Crusaders. Inspired by the One Thousand and One Nights, the myths of ancient Greece, and the legends of the Crusades, it's where history meets myth, and legends are born.
Capharnaum - The Tales of the Dragon-Marked includes:
A whole new world of history, legend, and myth - a profound and original setting.
Simple yet flexible rules encouraging player inventiveness up to epic levels of play.
Peoples, gazetteer, and bestiary for the land of Jazirat, inspired by Middle-Eastern history and myth.
Gorgeous maps and full-colour artwork.
Capharnaum - The Tales of the Dragon-Marked, translated from the original French, appears in English for the first time. With a vibrant community and supported by a line of supplements and adventures, all you need to play is this book, paper and pencils, and a handful of six-sided dice. All hail the Dragon-Marked!

Hersteller: Modiphius Entertainment
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: MOD042601
GTIN: 9781911380306
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Capharnaum RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele