Clash of Steel: T-44 / T-54-1 Tank Company (5)

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Contains: 5x T-54-1 or T-44 Tanks

The T-44 was heavily influential on the design of the T-54-1, the first model of the T-54 main battle tank. However, the T-44 still used the same 85mm tank gun as the T-34-85 medium tank. The Soviet army wanted a tank armed with a more powerful 100mm gun.

Shortly after the T-44 design was completed, unsuccessful efforts were made to fit the 100mm gun to the T-44 turret. Instead, a new roomier turret that could fit the larger gun was designed. In addition to the improved firepower, designers were able to increase the turret and hull armour.

Hersteller: Battlefront Miniatures
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: BFMCSS03
GTIN: 9420020260139
Typ‍: Erweiterung
Spielsystem‍: Clash of Steel
Warengruppe‍: Miniaturenspiele