Crawler Zine 1 Extraction (EN)

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Crawler | A fantasy RPG about extraction, extinction, and blowing up pipelines.
In a fantasy world where raw magic is extracted from the earth like a fossil fuel-unsustainably, dangerously, and for the profit of billionaire death cultists-you are a member of the Black Shields: an order of anti-extractionist resistance fighters.

The Shields aren't afraid to get their hands dirty. You've blown up a pipeline before, and you'd gladly do it again because you care about the future. It's not a question of if raw magic will spill from pipelines and freighters to transform local wildlife into bloodthirsty abominations-it's a question of when.

A percentage of all zine sales' profits are donated to extraction resistance efforts.

Zine #1 | Extraction
Foil the greedy magic extraction industry's plans with cunning spells, creative violence, and collective action.

Plan attacks on magic extraction sites along the Feystone Hex-L Pipeline. But you know what they say about best-laid plans: sometimes, they go sideways when a bunch of necromancers show up to fight you. What? No one says that? Well, it's true.

56 pages / 8.5 x 5.5" / saddle stitched / system agnostic.

Hersteller: Haunted Meat
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: HUMCZ001
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele