DCC/MCC Tales from the Smoking Wyrm 4 (EN)

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Tales from the Smoking Wyrm is a fanzine inspired not just by the roleplaying game Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC), but also by the wondrous fanzines of the past 40 years! While we focus on DCC, the material produced can be easily translated into any Old School Renaissance (OSR) system.

Issue #4 contains the following articles:

Trolls Delving deep into Scandinavian lore to explore troll folklore and myth. Trolls are so diverse a group that we had to build not one, but three classes to fit them all in!
On Trolls and Alternatives to Luck Part 1 of a new series exploring alternate ways that non-human races can use Luck
Organizations in DCC Another new series, exploring the concept of organizations in roleplaying in general, and discussing the salient features an organization needs to really be used effectively in any roleplaying game. We breathe some depth into two organizations presented in the DCC RPG rulebook and offer up a new one on top of that!
Ponteverdian Potted Meats High quality potted meats to keep your party going. Never adventure on an empty stomach again!
Expanding Familiars Two new familiar types, elemental motes and jinn
Culpepper's Herbal More herbs for your game, featuring Black Alder and Wild Angelica
Onward Retainer An adventuring comic in the old school style, starring The Legion. Part 4, brought to you by Joel Phillips
Wyrm Words A word puzzle of all the Gygaxian words in this issue

Hersteller: Blind Visionary
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: BLVTSW004
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: DCC RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele