Dreams and Machines RPG: Collectors Slipcase Edition (EN)

96,82 €
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Lieferzeit: 6 - 8 Werktage

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The Dreams and Machines collector's edition slipcase set is a beautifully illustrated hardbound slipcase containing the Player's Guide, Gamemaster's Guide, and a poster-sized map of the Regis-Kasteel region around New Mossgrove. This unique set has all the rules you need to play the Dreams and Machines roleplaying game.

The Dreams and Machines collector's edition slipcase set contains:

- An exclusive illustration of Kari and Abe wrapping the slipcase, with embossed and varnished elements.
- The Player's Guide hardback book, containing core rules, character creation, and the history of Evera Prime.
- The Gamemaster's Guide hardback book, with a detailed guide to Evera Prime, GM guidance, and a host of challenging NPCs.
- An exclusive poster-sized version of the Regis-Kasteel region map, for your group to explore and discover.

Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:

Modiphius Entertainment Ltd
39 Harwood Road
SW6 4QP London
eMail: support@modiphius.com
Web: https://modiphius.net

Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld
eMail: sales@bnw-distribution.com

Hersteller: Modiphius Entertainment
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: MOD1140103
GTIN: 9781802810882
Spielsystem‍: Dreams and Machines RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele