GameMastery Cards: Tides of Battle Deck (EN)

13,29 €
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Lieferzeit: 6 - 8 Werktage

Für dieses Produkt gibt es folgenden Sicherheitshinweis: Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

Snatch victory from the jaws of defeat with the Tides of Battle Deck! Each of the 52 cards in this deck grants heroes the ability to change their fate on the battlefield if they can take the initiative and live with the consequences. After customizing a deck based on their character’s talents and strengths, players can play cards to increase the accuracy of a strike, bolster their defenses, increase the chance to confirm a critical hit, or grant attacks and spells an extra surge of power, but not without a cost. Each time a character tempts fate, the tides of battle can shift to their foes’ favor!

Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:

Paizo Inc.
7120 185th Ave NE Ste 120
98052-0577 Redmond
Vereinigte Staaten

Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld

Hersteller: Paizo Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PZO03037
GTIN: 9781601256072
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele