Inkognito (EN)

47,60 €
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Lieferzeit: 4 - 6 Werktage

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The night is filled with cheerful jubilation, wild rejoicing, singing, and laughter... and well-disguised, costumed characters scurry through narrow alleyways.

Intermingled with the crowd in this festive atmosphere are four special characters, true masters of deception. They are capable of disguising themselves to be unrecognizable, as they sneak through the night on their secret missions.

Will you be able to figure out who your partner is, and exchange with him or her the secret code that reveals your mission? Will you be able to bluff your opponents and hide your identity to prevent them from fulfilling their secret goal?

Inkognito™ is a great Classic, and finally it comes back with a new look and with a new and exciting 5-players variant. Inkognito is a deduction game for 3 to 5 players set in Venice, in a romantic age of spies, microfilms, hot-air balloons and fast speedboats.

As a secret agent, or the mysterious Ambassador, you will have to collect clues, use your deduction skills to recognize your friends and confound your foes, and discover the secret mission that will give victory to your team.
Hersteller: Ares Games
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: ARSINKOG01
GTIN: 8054181510829
Typ‍: Grundspiel
Sprache‍: Englisch
Anzahl‍: 3 Spieler4 Spieler5 Spieler
Alter‍: ab 10 Jahren
Dauer‍: bis 90 Minuten
Warengruppe‍: Spiele