Mothership RPG: The Burning of Carbex (EN)

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The Burning of Carbex is an 84 page three-act campaign compatible with the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Roleplaying Game. A malevolent alien parasite has been freed and seeks to spread its corrupting influence far and wide. Carbex was once covered in lush forests, before the fire. Everything burned, except for some silverfish-like insects who fled underground. Millenia later, coal miners break into their refuge. About a week later, you are contacted by a nearby law enforcement agency. The Angelus Fabrica Station orbiting Carbex issued an automated distress signal after deploying every escape pod. 4 days of communication attempts without response met the persistent distress signal. The agency offers you a decent sum to determine the complete evacuation's rationale and to rescue and assist, by any means necessary any remaining crew members. The Angelus Fabrica is a disaster, most of its residents having been killed or altered by the strange transformations these parasites affect in their hosts, The Creeping Perforation. Meanwhile, another disaster is careening towards a much larger population, the Sineto Chem Solutions Deep Space Factory. On Carbex, deep within Sediment Hill coal mine, the parasites have coalesced horrifyingly and their minions are planning to spread across the stars.

What's in the module?

6 new enemies and a template to make any lifeform a monstrosity.
3 locations to explore (A stricken refinery station, an overrun ship, and an infested coal mine.)
20 Artifacts to find and use in your campaigns
A story branch that will affect the next chapter of the story depending on which you choose to pursue
Story hooks and opportunities for extended play
And plenty of hardship. And fire.

Hersteller: Tim Obermueller
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: TOGMOTHS01
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Mothership RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele