Multiversal Garden Reprint (EN)

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Do you know the difference between a trickery's bushel and a quickened bloodwhip?
Can you identify the symptoms of wicked creeper poisoning? Do you have a passable recipe for sovereign turnip stew?

You do now!

About the book:

Featuring 24 unique flora and fungi from the highest mountains of the material plane to the cold depths of space, the Multiversal Garden is a must-have guide for those wishing to explore the breadth of all realities.

Published by Sea Light Studios

32 pages, A5 size, staple-bound softcover, full color throughout

Hersteller: Sea Light Studios
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: RPGSLS002
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele