Pathfinder 97: Hells Rebels 01 - In Hells Bright Shadow (EN)

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Lieferzeit: 91 - 93 Werktage

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The city of Kintargo has long been a shelter for artists, free-thinkers, and those marginalized by the oppressive Chelaxian government, but now the city has been placed under martial law by inquisitor Barzilali Thrune. When a protest turns into a riot, a new group of heroes comes together to form an organized resistance to the devil-binding government and the Church of Asmodeus, but can they survive long enough to establish allies? Or will they become the latest victims of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune?

In Hell’s Bright Shadow is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 1st-level characters. The adventure begins the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path, an urban- and political-themed campaign that focuses on a rebellion against one of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting’s most infamous nations—devil-haunted Cheliax. Several new monsters, an extensive gazetteer of the city of Kintargo, and a brand new Pathfinder Journal round out this volume of the Pathfinder Adventure Path!

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Hersteller: Paizo Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: MAGPF097
GTIN: 9781601257680
Art‍: Rollenspiel
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele