Pathfinder: Campaign Setting - Chronicle Righteous (EN)

11,82 €
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Lieferzeit: 91 - 93 Werktage

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Stem the tide of the multiverse’s foulest denizens with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicle of the Righteous! Just as the Book of the Damned series documented the blasphemous denizens of Hell, Abaddon, and the Abyss, Chronicle of the Righteous reveals the inhabitants of the goodly realms of Heaven, Elysium, and Nirvana, along with their demigod leaders, the Empyreal Lords. Discover the powers and agendas of some of the greatest forces of good in existence and join them in their endless struggle against evil. Familiar Empyreal Lords like fiery Ragathiel and mysterious Pulura are joined by allies like frigid Tolc, placid Ghenshau, noble Seramaydiel, and dozens more. Additionally, mortal champions might join these paragons of goodness as members of their diverse mystery cults, wielders of their divine magic, conjurers of divine legions, or bearers of holy stigmata. The battle for mortal souls is not one sided, join the eternal battle on the side of good with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicle of the Righteous!

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Hersteller: Paizo Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PZO09255
GTIN: 9781601255068
Art‍: Rollenspiel
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele