Sentinels of Earth Prime: Lantern Jack Hero (EN)

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Lantern Jack is a new hero for the Sentinels of Earth-Prime card game. A ghost of the American Revolution, Lantern Jack's spectral form still haunts the streets of Freedom City. The light of his lantern burns blue with the light of truth, green with the light of justice, and purple with the light of vengeance as he watches over the world of the living. This mini-expansion includes a unique 40-card deck, a hero character card, a variant card, and a divider that fits right in the core game's box. This deck is also 100% compatible with Sentinels of the Multiverse. Expand your Sentinels of Earth-Prime character options with Lantern Jack!

Hersteller: Green Ronin Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: GRR03015
Typ‍: Erweiterung
Anzahl‍: 2 Spieler3 Spieler4 Spieler5 Spieler
Sprache‍: Englisch
Dauer‍: bis 60 Minuten
Alter‍: ab 14 Jahren
Genre‍: Science Fiction
Warengruppe‍: Spiele