Stone Over Sky Caver Book Zero (EN)

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Choose your alliances carefully. Check every corner for odd treasure. And know that friends can be made in the most usual of ways.

Stone Over Sky is a weird/dark adventure for low to mid-level players. Masked as a simple hunting and weapons upgrading mission, this delve into a twisting cave become something far more animated than anyone could imagine. Introduce players to the world of Caver by allowing them to adopt one of their own... if they side with the correct ally.

This system-neutral adventure book functions as a Caver Book Zero as well. Outside the gates of Falkirk, a Doom Drake circles the sky. Its only interested in finding a mate, but its daily presence brings violent storms that flood the surrounding farmland and drive people made with constant booming thunder. If you decide to help rid the area of this massive pest, you'll meet a few unusual people-a "Fang Smith" who wishes to do away with a witch who lives in a nearby cave.

Hersteller: Severed Books
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: SEVSO001
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele