Story Engine: Mythwalkers & Eternals (EN)

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Mythwalkers & Eternals: Mythology Booster contains 18 cards for The Story Engine Deck: 5 Agents, 2 Engines, 5 Anchors, 2 Conflicts, and 4 Aspects for creating mythology-focused writing prompts, story ideas, character concepts, TTRPG campaign ideas, encounter ideas, and more.

The mythology story prompts booster is a collaboration with the team behind EMBERWIND, a groundbreaking tabletop RPG with stunning visuals and a world-class art team, to bring you some truly eye-watering card art.

Hersteller: Story Engine
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: STYSTO03B05
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele