Tenfold Dungeon: Sewers (EN)

57,60 €

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Tenfold Dungeon is fully immersive, out-the-box 3D terrain set for your RPGs and dungeon crawling games.
With amazingly detailed art printed in every box, and 1"× 1" grids discreetly layered into the environment, Tenfold Dungeon provides a high-quality, atmospheric play space for all your tabletop needs. Along with its compact, lightweight design, it's never been easier to take your high-octane adventures with you - wherever you go.

Available initially in 4 designs comprising a Castle, Temple, Dungeons & Sewers and a Town you will find a set to suit your gaming needs! Each set contains a unique D&D 5th Edition Module for a quick fire adventure to showcase all of the different uses for the terrain!
Hersteller: Gale Force Nine
Kategorie: Spielezubehör
Artikelnummer: GF9TFD002
GTIN: 9420020256552
Warengruppe‍: Spielezubehör