The Hunted RPG (EN)

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"Okay, here's your motivation. You're lost, you're angry in the woods, and no one is here to help you." - Joshua ‘Josh' Leonard, The Blair Witch Project

The Hunted is a folk horror storytelling game for 3-5 players that blends together mechanics from Forged In The Dark, Powered By The Apocalypse, and Belonging Outside Belonging games to create a lean chimera of a game unlike anything you have ever played.

Players take on the role of a group of friends on an expedition who become cut off from civilisation as they are hunted by an unknown entity. As the game continues the players will tell their own stories about the thing hunting them, building up a unique legend that feeds directly back into the narrative. The more stories you tell the more your characters succeed and the longer they survive - but with each story the Hunter grows stronger and becomes more of a threat.

The Hunted is a zero-prep game designed to last from 2-4 hours.

Hersteller: Loot the Room
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: LOOHU001
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele