Troika RPG: Pride of Ternwillow (EN)

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Return to a forgotten memory of a Ternwillow that never was and never will be.
We have returned with more art by Chin Fong! It is STILL playable, hackable, modular, and art.

We explore what happen if Ternwillow never fell?
What would those Mechs have become?
Who would the echoes of the Pilots be?
What is Copper Mask? Why are they here?
New Pilot Things!
New Piloting Maneuvers! Try out Castling if you're in a Jam (You've seen Macross 2 Lovers Again right?)
5 Echoes of Pilots. They're new backgrounds, that are oddly familiar.
9 new pieces of Pilot Gear (whether Officer's Ball Gowns to look good, or the SIREN-System remote start system that Drone-Lifts in a Mech for you)
New Mech Things
The new OBLITERATE damage scale, to completely annihilate a targets' defences and leave them a burning wreck.
5 strangely recognizable Mecha. (but re-imagined)
7 new Mechs devoted to the dogma of Copper Mask (who are they?).
59 new weapon and utility modules. (enjoy!)

Hersteller: Orbital Intelligence
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: ORB01029
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Troika RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele