World in Flames: 94/95 Annual (EN)

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The World in Flames 1994/95 Annual is a 72 page Annual including tips, hints and after action replays of World in Flames, Days of Decision II, Ships in Flames and Planes in Flames.

It also includes 2007 Mech in Flames a 200 countersheet expansion for World in Flames that adds engineers, mech and motorised corps, city based volunteers, Soviet Guards banner armies and divisions, early and late war aircraft, ship funnies, supply units and forts to spice up your next game of World in FLames. It is playable with both WiF5 and World in Flames: the final edition and has been completely revised to be fully compatible with WiF:Final.
Hersteller: Australian Design Group
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: ASDWOIFL14
Typ‍: Erweiterung
Anzahl‍: 2 Spieler3 Spieler4 Spieler5 Spieler6 Spieler
Sprache‍: Englisch
Alter‍: ab 14 Jahren
Dauer‍: über 120 Minuten
Warengruppe‍: Cosims