Beyond the Drowned Spire (EN)

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The village of Edenpoole sits beside a large lake.

Local legends tell of an ancient wizard's tower that once stood here, and a great battle with a demon known as The Burnt Eater that scarred the land and made the crater that now forms the lake.

Recently the ruins of a collapsed tower were found beneath the silt floor of the lake.

Investigations and excavations have begun, but it's only a matter of time before word gets out and Edenpoole is flooded with treasure seekers and so-called adventurers.

Enter: the characters.

Beyond The Drowned Spire is an underwater system-neutral adventure for low level characters.

The Team:

Writing, layout, and graphic design by Chris Bissette
Edited by Ste Thurston

52 pages. 115gsm silk interior, 250gsm silk cover with matt lamination, saddle stitched.

Hersteller: Loot the Room
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: LOOUN010
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele