The Monster Overhaul (EN)

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What's a Sphinx without a riddle, or a Minotaur without a labyrinth? What's a Dragon without a hoard, or a Peasant without a grievance?

The Monster Overhaul is a massive Role Playing Game bestiary designed for at-table utility. Monsters are presented alongside useful tools, ready for immediate use in any scenario.

This book aims to provide a GM with the tools they need, as they need them, without slowing down a session. In the middle of a game, a GM doesn't need to be told that Bears live in caves or that Ghosts haunt graveyards. They know that. What they need are interesting prompts that are difficult to invent under pressure; names, details, motivations, secrets, riddles, maps, twists, etc.

Numbers are calibrated around old-school fantasy adventure game principles. This book should be compatible with, and has been tested against, the most popular and enduring old-school systems.

This 336 page book contains:

200+ Monsters.
160+ Pieces of original art.
20+ Maps.
Random encounter tables, indexes, and a host of other useful tools.

By Skerples, the author of the CoinsandScrolls blog, Tomb of the Serpent Kings, Kidnap the Archpriest, Epochrypha, Magical Murder Mansion, and Magical Industrial Revolution.

Hersteller: Coins and Scrolls Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: CSPMO001
GTIN: 9781999257330
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele